The Cycle Analysis interprets the lessons you may encounter each year or in important phases of life. Your natal design remains unchanged throughout your life, but the scenery and people on the life stage are constantly changing. Understanding how to navigate life’s challenges with your true self, operating correctly amid changes, enables you to approach these lessons with more serenity and less shock, leading to a self-aware experience of life learning.
Solar Return
每年生日我們都翻開了人生新的書頁,進入新一年的場景和人事主題。流年分析解讀個人未來一年的「天氣」,解說如何正確運作自己的設計來迎接這一年您的專屬學習機會。 (建議解讀時間:每年生日的三個月前。)
Each birthday opens a new chapter in our lives, bringing in the themes of your upcoming year. The Solar Return Cycle Analysis interprets the “weather” for you in the coming year, explaining how to operate your design correctly to embrace your personalized learning opportunities of the year. (Recommended 3 months before your birthday)
Saturn Return
Around the age of 30 is a stage when an individual enters adulthood and encounters new challenges and opportunities. The Saturn Return Cycle Analysis can assist in guiding you from understanding to acceptance, and enabling you to navigate this transition with greater peace of mind. (This is especially important for people who have a 6th line Profile.)
Uranus Opposition
Around the age of 40, one reaches the milestone of midlife. Instead of outwardly seeking how to survive in society, a natural turning inward occurs to explore “who I am,” and both our physical and mental aspects undergo noticeable changes. The Uranus Opposition Cycle Analysis reveals the themes and challenges at this stage, allowing us to navigate the transition with our nature, transforming the “midlife crisis” into an enlightened “midlife turning point.”
Kiron Return
At around the age of 50, having undergone the enriching experiences of life, we stand at the threshold of our golden years. The question arises: Can we embody our true selves and radiate the wisdom and love of life in the years that lie ahead? The Kiron Return Cycle Analysis offers insights into the themes you would encounter during this stage of life and guides you on how to navigate challenges and to flourish your unique brilliance. (This is especially important for people who have a 6th line Profile.)