我是小安 (Amy),一位「3/5生產者 (靈魂交叉–意識)」。我的能量設計是在我的生命之河獨有的韻律裡,做著我喜歡的事情,回應著旅程中在對的時間點出現、頻率相契的人事物。 而我的人生角色是在生活中不斷嘗試、探索各式各樣的人生形態和生命模式,並透過正確運作我的設計,順其自然地分享和普及意識的成長和收穫。(閱讀全文 Read more…)
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人類圖是老天賞下的知識。1987年,來自加拿大蒙特婁的拉‧烏盧‧胡 (Ra Uru Hu) 在一個西班牙的小島,意外地歷經了八天八夜的神祕際遇,因而承載了人類圖這龐大的知識系統。拉‧烏盧‧胡於往後的二十多年,致力於將人類圖的知識傳遞給有緣的世人,直到他2011年辭世。
Have you ever:
Worked around the clock to prove your worth?
Played nice so you can avoid confronting emotional conflicts?
Felt lost, unable to find your identity and direction?
Worried about surviving on your own and fearful to let go?
Exhausted from pretending that you know?
Spun in circles over questions that didn’t matter, yearning for a moment of mental peace?
Rushed to complete tasks, thinking it would alleviate overwhelming pressure?
Unsure when enough is enough, what’s too much, and what’s too little?
Longed to be seen, not wanting to silently pass through life unnoticed?
Our lives are often consumed by these futile cycles, draining our time and energy. Dear friend, the dilemmas and struggles that seem inescapable are not your fault. Your Human Design chart might just be the map you need in guiding you on how to operate in alignment with your inherent design and paving the way for your unique life journey.
If you have been searching, you would probably know that the answers do not come easy.
Human Design is a fascinating system that emerged in 1987 when a Canadian, now known as Ra Uru Hu, experienced an unexpected and mysterious encounter on a small Spanish island. During this encounter, he was infused with the extensive knowledge of Human Design. For over two decades, Ra dedicated himself as the messenger of this profound gift to humanity until his passing in 2011.
In Human Design, there is the presence of ancient sacred wisdom from I Ching, Astrology, Chakra, Kabbalah, and more. “Human Design” unprecedentedly synthesizes these connections into a contemporary human Bodygraph and presents to the world the innate blueprint of human beings nowadays. By analyzing and interpreting this Bodygraph, we may dispel the fog, untie the knots, and begin to reconnect with our true selves. It then becomes possible for us to operate through correctness, making life decisions based on our designed bio-energetic mechanics. Human Design is hence really about accepting and living our truth in everyday life, radiating our light and uniqueness.
Welcome to “Human Design with Amy”. I’m delighted to meet you here, and you’re free to look around to share my Human Design journey. If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to contact me to schedule a reading or simply to have a chat. May we all find our paths to a happy and self-fulfilling life!
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- Email Me: amy.humandesign@gmail.com
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